Dear Fox Broadcasting Corporation,
Several years you had on your network a unique and brilliant show called Firefly. Though I did not see it then I have since watched it. Firefly quickly became one of my favorite shows. I am saddened that it only lasted about one season because of its low ratings.
Now this year there is a new show out. It started in February. It is called Dollhouse. And though it did take a while to get going and has a plot-line that is difficult track for a first time viewer it has now also shown itself to be an original, relevant, thought provoking and downright enjoyable show.
Now imagine my dismay when it became known that you would be canceling Dollhouse at the end of its second season. I was worried that it might happen. People had been drawing parellels to Firefly, saying that Dollhouse also awaited a premature end. I hoped that they were wrong. But they weren't.
My question now is: Why? Why cancel a show with so much potential and dedicated viewers? Why not rather build it up? Move it to a better night (it must be agreed upon that Friday night is a dead zone for television) and build up some excitement, rather than shove it off into a corner and quietly pull its plug.
Truly, my question is: Why do you hate my life?
An 18-25 year old male
P.S. Could you please bring back Firefly for a more seasons?