Saturday, April 28, 2012

Strong Man

strong man strangle universe
he drown the stars
blinded by the mission of a thousand wars
he fit and dominant
not wonder why
he love the battlecry
strong man is survivor
he live to pound
little wooden crosses in the bloody ground
he fit and dominant
he stand a chance
he not bow to circumstance
and the world keep on turning
and the sun keep on burnring
and the children keep learning
how to grow up big and strong
how to grow up big and strong
strong man take no prisoner
favor no plea
he leave no gold in teeth of enemy
he fit and dominant
he rise above
he not have word that mean love
and the world keep on turning
and the sun keep on burnring
and the children keep learning
how to grow up big and strong
how to grow up big and strong
strong man melt the plowshare
he forges sword
he take the flower and he curse the thorn
he crush the serpent
he bite the fruit
he hand is absolute
and the world keep on turning
and the sun keep on burnring
and the children keep learning
how to grow up big and strong
how to grow up big and strong
-Mark Heard (High Noon)

(This post began in 2011 sometime. Men don't need to be some kind of Conan to be men. Thank God. God made men and apparently with a high capacity for strength but for what purpose?)
My external hard drive and my computer are refusing to speak to each other.
I feel like I need to hold an intervention for them.

(This happens off and on. It is happening now. Except this time I think I might have actually wiped the hard-drive thanks to a large magnet, the power of which I forgot and placed quite close to the computer and the external hard-drive. I should probably ask someone to try to resurrect it.)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Grinch, Scrooge and Advent

I watched the Muppet Christmas Carol last night.

(Christmas time 2008. A highly different time in my life. I was gearing up for Indonesia, nothing was very sure and I had a lot of time for thinking.)

(I watch this movie every Christmas time if I can. It stirs my heart. Guessing from the title there is probably a longer post that never happened. Though I can guess some of it. Scrooge and Grinch are evil people that are faced with Christmas and Joy and Love and are forever changed. We can be like that too.)
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

3 Šťastní sú pokorní, ktorí si o sebe priveľa nemyslia, lebo tým patrí Božie kráľovstvo.
4 Šťastní sú tí, ktorí plačú, lebo Boh ich poteší.
5 Šťastní sú tichí, lebo Boh im dá celú zem.
6 Šťastní sú tí, ktorí túžia po spravodlivosti ako smädní po vode, lebo ich smäd bude uhasený.
7 Šťastní sú milosrdní, lebo aj Boh bude k nim milosrdný.
8 Šťastní sú tí, ktorí majú čisté srdce, lebo oni uvidia Boha.
9 Šťastní sú tí, ktorí šíria pokoj, lebo tých Boh nazve svojimi deťmi
10 Šťastní sú tí, ktorých prenasledujú preto, že poslúchajú Boha, lebo im patrí Božie kráľovstvo.

3"Betapa bahagianya orang yang tahu
bahwa mereka mempunyai
kebutuhan rohani.
Kerajaan Allah adalah miliknya.
4 Betapa bahagianya orang yang
berdukacita sekarang.
Allah akan menghiburnya.
5 Betapa bahagianya orang yang
rendah hati.
Mereka akan menerima tanah yang
dijanjikan Allah[b] kepada mereka.
6 Betapa bahagianya orang yang mau
melakukan yang benar lebih
daripada hal-ahl yang lain. [c]
Allah akan memuaskannya.
7 Betapa bahagianya orang yang
berbelaskasihan kepada orang
Belas kasihan akan diberikan
8 Betapa bahagianya orang yang murni
Mereka akan bersama Allah.
9 Betapa bahagianya orang yang
bekerja membawa damai.
Mereka akan disebut anak-anak
10 Betapa bahagianya orang yang
diperlakukan tidak adil karena
melakukan yang benar.
Kerajaan Allah adalah miliknya.

I'm not sure what compelled me to do this. Let's see it as a portrait. Just that doesn't sound right cause then it might be though that I have achieved what Jesus spoke of. By no means is that true. Rather this is what I am seeking after, though English is the only language that I have really spoken. But I think portrait will have to work for now.

(One more language to the mix:
3Selig sind, die da geistlich arm sind; denn das Himmelreich ist ihr.
    4Selig sind, die da Leid tragen; denn sie sollen getröstet werden.
    5Selig sind die Sanftmütigen; denn sie werden das Erdreich besitzen.
    6Selig sind, die da hungert und dürstet nach der Gerechtigkeit; denn sie sollen satt werden.
    7Selig sind die Barmherzigen; denn sie werden Barmherzigkeit erlangen.
    8Selig sind, die reines Herzens sind; denn sie werden Gott schauen.
    9Selig sind die Friedfertigen; denn sie werden Gottes Kinder heißen.
    10Selig sind, die um Gerechtigkeit willen verfolgt werden; denn das Himmelreich ist ihr.)


Camp ended on the 29th of August and since then I have been looking for something to say regarding that experience

(Written after the end of my crew summer of 2006. That experience changed my life in many ways. Many, many ways. It was one of my favorite summers at camp and in life in general, I made friends that I have still and hold dear to my heart. It introduced me to Trout Creek Bible Camp where I spent three more amazing summers. It took my little home-schooled, TCK, bespectacled, tall-sock wearing, t-shirt tucking self and kind of rocked that world. I grew into myself that summer. My gifts were esteemed. I got to throw all of my energy into something that was valuable and exhaust myself. I loved it. I still do.)

My bathroom

In case anybody was interested as to what my bathroom in Indonesia looked like. There is a beauty of an entirely tile bathroom. It was cool when the Cik-caks would get in there and high dive into the basin. Less cool when the giant spiders would get behind my mirror and I would sort of fear for my life.
Good times.

Movie Scene Two

(I am going through unposted posts and setting free those that I feel like are close enough to being done. Here is one in a [very short] series about movie scenes that I could watch over and over again.)
The second movie scene I wish to mention is a scene from the wonderfully dry Finnish film The Man Without a Past.
Set in Helsinki, Finland the story follows a man who, thanks to a few thugs, loses his memory and is helped out in his new life by an assortment of workers living in packing containers and by the Salvation Army.
The scene is in the later portion of the movie while the Man is out with a friend. In the scene they are in a park watching a Salvation Army band perform a song and it is that scene that gets me every time. There they are in cold, dead-pan, Finland, listening to a Salvation Army band play a rock song. There is this breath of life blowing ever so softly through the movie.
This movie is one of my favorites.
Can I just say that I love the album Pop?

(A post began 4/24/08)

It is still true.

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.