Friday, May 08, 2009

Some Tidbits of Random

I ate one of these. A few hours later my stomach felt a little weird.

So are you a nerd if you are excited to download a spreadsheet of the International Phonetic Alphabet? Because I just did and I was very excited. Of course I have no idea what most of the sounds are or what they mean when they say, "labio-dental flap" but it is still cool that these sounds encompass most of human speech. Yes, my Grandfather is a speech pathologist and my friends are linguists.

So I found out about the world's most expensive coffee a few weeks ago. It comes from southern Sumatra, among other places. And yes it is first eaten and then passed out of an animals system. But when they only eat the best you know you have the best bean. See more from Wikipedia here.

I'm now something of an official teacher. It is a strange feeling. Any teacherly types have some advice for the young one?


Anonymous said...

I would not have been able to handle that. At all.

Why said...

Amazingly cool yet gross. Maybe just gross. Or as one said, "Slimy, yet satisfying."

stormi esperanza said...

you're a braver soul than i.
not being a teacher but having taught i suggest you switch things up--include a variety of stuff, writing, speaking, and esp. kinesthetic stuff that encourages them to connect words with concepts. (TPR we call it--total physical response. great in language learning.)
i love coffee, but i don't think i could have that if i knew where it came from...hmmm, my starbucks this morning was a sumatra blend...

Why said...

I am sorely lacking in the real artifact department with my teaching. What are some artifact/concept connections I can make?

Anna E. P. said...

if you are having to poke the food to keep it in the bowl, maybe it shouldn't be there...

Unknown said...

I agree with Midsummer :)

stormi esperanza said...

when we did TPR we would point to the object (banana, pear, whatever) and repeat the word--trying to cement the word in korean w/ the object instead of the word in english...lots of repetition helps!
be encouraged, i'm sure you're doing much better than your bummer days make you think!

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.