Saturday, October 03, 2009

Inspired by Erik over at untitled...

What are your favorite spaceships? What makes these spaceships so special to you?

Bonus: Draw your own spaceship and post it.


mr. Tim said...

Buzz Lightyear's wings FTW
If you are talking typical spaceships probably an X-wing star fighter and or a Naboo star fighter!

Anonymous said...

Serenity, Battlestar Galactica, the vipers that are on Battlestar Galactica, The Millenium Falcon, USS Enterprise...the list goes on. I like them.

I like Serenity because it is a home as well as a ship. The other ones are just super cool. Especially the vipers...

stormi esperanza said...

the "rama" has always stuck with me...

Meiska said...

Well, I like the not-quite-existing spaceship that Captain Nemo (on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen {lame movie}) would create. It would be beautiful.

Or the weird space traveling thingy in Out of the Silent Planet. It has a nice window.

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.