Monday, May 09, 2005

Here it goes.

Sunday I began a fast more challenging than going a month without Age of Empires, more difficult than listening to Tim McGraw for an hour, I am:

Going a week without U2!!

I got to thinking that I was spending a good portion of listening time to U2 and not for all those other good artists that I have.
This fast means no listening to or reading the lyrics of U2 but I say nothing about singing their songs(Aha, a loophole).


Eucharisto said...

What? Are you CRAZY??!! Going without U2 for a week is like holding your breath for a week! I hope you make it, you've set a practically *impossible* goal. Snicker, lol.

Meiska said...

Fool! ( I say that witha lot af love and respect, let me assure you)

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.