Tuesday, August 30, 2005

They'rreeee Baaaaacckk

They have returnend.

All I want for my Birthday and Christmas


Queen Mum said...

Gee, you don't want much do you? It's a good thing it's all for birthday AND Christmas. I am quite sure you will readjust to sibling return in an unharmed way. So, what did you learn during your period of "quiet"? Lukolas seems to think you"ll spring forth a better man because of it. Yes, he is still crazy. Oh, the party was great and EVERYONE that went to the party and the park spent the night with us. Some got up the next day and helped us move ALL Meiska's things into her dorm.

Queen Mum said...

Oh, by the way, thank you for communicating with us during the summer.

Meiska said...

Seeing as I have no idea what that bizarre thing is ( the thing, not your siblings), in addition to the fact that I had no money before I went to school ( know I am a really poor college student),you probably won't be receiving that from me. But I do still love you!

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.