Monday, January 30, 2006

On the move.

I don't usually post stuff here about my faith and such but lately-actually the past couple days- something has been happening in my church and in the people in my youth group and it has been amazing! It seems that a desire for Yahweh has over taken the church. (Which if you think about that statement that seems sad; God returning to church.) And it is really exciting thinking about what God could be doing in my life and in the lives of people around me. For an example of what I am talking about: Every Monday night the guys in the youth group get together and talk, do a Bible study and what not. Well tonight I was leading and I did fairly well considering I lost my notes. But anyway it was all leading up to a prayer time anyway so we all gathered together in a circle and prayed for about 15 minutes which was pretty cool but then one of the guys brought up an idea about a witnessing tool that he had been thinking and praying about. Well the idea went over really well and we all talked about it for about half an hour on what we should do and everything pertaining to the suggestion. Then we prayed some more and it felt that God was moving. So now I'm all excited and just wondering "what next?".
The thing is this isn't the only "God sighting" lately check out this post. To quote Kevin Max "God is on the move-forget Aslan".


Katie said...


Sky said...

Why, that's awesome! I pray that God will continue to move in your youth group! God Bless! ~stephanias

Eucharisto said...

Seeing God on the move is exciting! Keep us posted.

Queen Mum said...

Like, Happy Valentine's Day dude. God is movin? Radical!

Meiska said...

Exciting indeed! Midsummer told me about it the other day! Awesome!

(Plus you guys were literally on the move too!)

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.