Saturday, September 23, 2006

An Announcement

I despise MyS---e with a fiery burning passion that the world has never dreamed of. Why? I'm not totally sure, but I do.


Eucharisto said...

But have you ever used it? If you ever use it enough, you will see what a necessity it is, albeit an evil necessity.
I use it, and have found a ton of old friends I haven't been in contact with for lots of years.
But I understand. It is still an unfortunate thing. I say, if you can't beat them, join them! :)

Why said...

Yes you bring up the hard side of hating My-----, for I also have friends from camp that use it so it helps me see what is going on with them. But also when I visit their "spaces" I practicly get headaches just being there with all the different things going around.

Eucharisto said...

I'm with you there, which is why I try my hardest to make my profile look like a nice website, instead of like the announcement board at school, with all the tacky post-it notes up.
Mys____ can be pretty unnerving. I can certainly agree there! Like I said, a necessary evil.

Katie said...

Oooh! Me too! Seriously, and I don't know why. I'm loyal to Blogger.

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.