Today I received for my birthday Switchfoot's fifth album Nothing is Sound. Needless to say it is awesome; although I am not sure if it is better than New Way to be Human. Then again they are completely different albums. New Way to be Human focused on ending the old life that they had left behind. Whereas Nothing is Sound is a call of desperation for the old life to go away and leave them alone. Nothing is Sound is like the psalms of this generation, lamenting the fall of society, calling for God in the darkness even though the name of God is never mentioned throughout the entire album. Jon Foremen has a unique way of writing that cuts to the core. Not to mention with cover art like this can the album really be that bad? In summary: Get thee to the store to buy this album. Stand out tracks:Lonely Nation, The Shadow Proves the Sunshine, The Blues, Golden, We Are One Tonight and Daisy
Hey, Why, you ought to turn on the word verification thing so that all these spam bloggers can't post anymore.
And by the way, I reeaalllyy want that album!
Someday soon, I'll go out and buy it for myself.
It rocks!!
Nice review, Why!
Editor's note: Okay, I confess the name of God is mentioned three times on the track "The Shadow Proves the Sunshine". But to show how I could think what I did I will put the lyrics up on this comment.
Sunshine won't you be my mother?
Sunshine come and help me sing
My heart is darker than these oceans
My heart is frozen underneath
Crooked soul trying to stay up straight
Dry eyes in the pouring rain
The shadow proves the sunshine
Two scared little runaways
Hold fast till the break of daylight
When the shadow proves the sunshine
Oh Lord why did you forsake me
Oh Lord don't be far away, away
Storm clouds gathering beside me
Please Lord don't look the other way
I'm a crooked soul trying to stay up straight
Shine on me
Let my shadows prove the sunshine
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