Thursday, October 06, 2005

High School

School has taken me by storm. Last year was a cake walk compared with the stuff I am going through. Well, it might not be that hard it is just that my books apparently conspired against me planning all the work for Friday. I mean my English book might at least have asked me to choose a poet at the start of the week so I could get acquainted with it but no drop the bomb on Thursday forcing me to do all the research that day and leaving the writing for Friday which I might add has a HUGE biology test. For an example of the scale of the test the first question asks me to define fifteen terms and then moves on to ask twenty-two more questions. And since I have been starting school so late I end school late in the afternoon leaving a small amount of time to read and be on the computer and stuff, you know. Well I shouldn't complain it is just a much larger work load then I am used to that's all. Anyway for you nuts out there U2 is performing at exactly 12:37 a.m. Friday morning (my time) on Conan O'Brien on NBC just so you know.


Why said...

Yes there is going to be a December 11th this year.

Katie said...

Can you look ahead to see what's coming or is that not allowed? That way you aren't blindsided. I'm not sure how all that works?

Don't get frustrated, it comes in waves. Just push through... Or should I say "Just Do It"? Ha, ha, ha... I never found that very inspiring myself. Don't tell anyone! Its the weekend now, take a break.

Waocan-n. An indigenous tribe in South American rain forests. Name is derived from their love of Toucans.

Queen Mum said...

I didn't read this in time for the show. What I really, really, really, really want is tickets to the Rose Garden concert.....sigh. I want to see them in concert before I die.

About high school, I know you will do well. We say often that you are extremely smart. Being a good steward of the time God has given you is sometimes difficult. There is also the issue of just doing what the Lord has set before you with the attitude of doing it 'as if unto the Lord'. I'll be praying for you and keep up the good work. Love you.

Queen Mum said...

I also meant to say that school books should communicate better. The nerve!

Meiska said...

Sorry,dawg. I guess we could have warned you that high school isn't exactly a breeze. However, I have no doubt in my mind that you can pull through and do a great job at it.

Gee, I missed U2. Oh well, at that time I was probably studying (There's no better time to study than 12:37 in the morn) for my Anthropology exam.(Exams, exams, exams. College doesn't get much better.)

Eucharisto said...

I heard about that U2 thing. I heard it was a circus of sorts.
About school, I know the feeling. I'm now about to take my midterm for this module in my worship school. I'm not looking forward to it at all. Hopefully I'll make it through ok, and then I can move on from there. The school is awesome though, I have to say that much in it's favor.

Why said...

Ha! Take that Eriol you might have cyrillc on your comments but mine have Slovak. Ha!

Why said...

Now I have a profile picture!

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.