Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Okay Penny you wanted to know now you know.

Penny wanted to know my passions and hates so here it is.

1. I hate it when people say they hate history. I mean come on history is an inexhaustible resource as soon as you finish all the history books there will always be another one on what happened in the world while you were reading the other ones.
2. I am bugged severely when people say reading is boring. Boring! Boring! Reading ain't boring mister maybe you decided to read "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" while you are only a new reader but it does not mean reading is boring.
3. Whatever. By this I mean when you say 2+2=4 and somebody says whatever it is like they don't care that there is an absolute truth in this world. And there is an absolute truth in this world we might not know it at this point in space and time there is an answer.
4. "My child is to old for legos." How can any body be to old for legos they may be "to old" for an imagination which is the key factor behind legos. That and whatever you build can always be taken down and built into something completely different.

That is all for now hope you enjoyed the trip inside my weird head.

1 comment:

Why said...

I am having misgivings on this post because it kind of dates me.

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.