Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sophie's World "Who are you?"

Sophie's World is a very good book about the history of philosophy but don't let the topic scare you away. It tries to instill the wonder we had but can't remember like when we first saw a dog or a horse, when we were making first time discoveries but couldn't share with the world what we were discovering because we couldn't talk. I dare you to read the first two chapters and if you wish to stop please leave a frog or something green so I will know you wish to stop.
Post script. I will not give away any plot so it will only be surprises and suspense as you read.


Why said...

Penny if you are having trouble you do not have to continue but did it make you wonder a little?

Why said...

I meant, Penny try not to kill youself reading it. The purpose of the post was to make you think.

Queen Mum said...

Sounds like something we would want to read. I'll order it as soon as I can. I might be the only one to read it right now due to school work. Couldn't you give a little clue?

Why said...

It has the most bizzare ending of a book since "The Man Who Was Thursday"

Queen Mum said...

O.K. that's it. I am getting the book!

Why said...

Queen Mum You must also realize that the book is about as nerdy as one can get even though it is really really good. Imagine this it is a philosophy course and history book all in one but if you still want to read it go on it is well worth time and money. At least in my opinion.

Queen Mum said...

Well, I am more of a geography, history, plants and latin kind of book person, but this sounds good. I have to admit, I grew up very poor and did not get the exposure to good literature so I am and have been long overdue.

4:42 P.M. is a very happy minute.